Life processes in animals and plants (nutrition/gaseous exchange/transport) | Kips nmdcat biology lms lectures | mdcatplus

Life processes in animals and plants (nutrition/gaseous exchange/transport) | Kips nmdcat biology lms lectures | mdcatplus
According to kpk books these topics are taken from different chapters. And I can say that these are many chapters. Gaseous exchange is the first chapter of 2…
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Diversity among animals | Kips nmdcat biology lms Lectures | mdcatplus

Diversity among animals | Kips nmdcat biology lms Lectures | mdcatplus
This chapter is quite tough and complex even though,  there is only topic mentioned. 1 or 2 mqs may come from this chapter in nmdcat 2021. But again kips nmdc…
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Prokaryotes (Kingdom Monera) | kips nmdcat biology lms Lectures | mdcatplus

Prokaryotes (Kingdom Monera) | kips nmdcat biology lms Lectures | mdcatplus
Prokaryotic are only of two types i.e bacteria and blue green algea or cynanobacteria. Prokaryotes | Kips nmdcat biology lms vido Lectures  Prokaryotes This …
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Enzymes | Kips nmdcat biology video Lectures | mdcatplus

Enzymes | Kips nmdcat biology video Lectures | mdcatplus
Today in this post I am going to share enzymes chapter of 1st year Biology kips video  lectures for online preparation of nmdcat 2021. Enzymes | kips nmdcat …
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