Diversity among animals | Kips nmdcat biology lms Lectures | mdcatplus

 This chapter is quite tough and complex even though,  there is only topic mentioned. 1 or 2 mqs may come from this chapter in nmdcat 2021. But again kips nmdcat Lectures of biology are suggested in order to enhance your concept about diversity among animals or kingdom animalia ( according to kpk textbook of biology ) chapter.

Diversity among animals | Kips nmdcat biology lms lectures
Diversity among animals | Kips nmdcat biology lms video Lectures 

diversity among the animals (animal phyla,characteristics)

The topics mentioned from this chapter in pmc nmdcat syllabus 2021 are

i. Characteristics and diversity among the animals (animal phyla,

Learning Objectives 

The purpose of studying this chapter is ti describe general characteristic of animals

How to download Kips nmdcat biology lectures 

To download or watch any chapter there will be always a link having green color at the end of each post just click on that. Like the given one.

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